International ammonium sulfate market

Publish Time: 2020-07-02     Origin: Site

Black Sea/Baltic Sea

The supply of ammonium sulphate in the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea was tight in July, and SBU Azot and Kuaz will no longer have other exports available. Production of ammonium sulfate in the region is restricted because of weak demand for caprolactam, which has led to 75% of Kuaz’s production capacity.

Kuaz sold 5000 tons of caprolactam grade sulfate last week at a price slightly higher than $100/ton FOB Black Sea. It will load 2000 tons and 3000 tons of ammonium sulfate in mid-July.

Kuaz said that after the latest round of engineering construction in June failed to meet the quality standards required for export, its 385,000-ton/year ASN plant is still in the testing stage.

Northwest Europe

The prices of caprolactam grade ammonium sulfate and large-grain ammonium sulfate were flat with the market. In Europe, the purchase of fertilizers is restricted because farmers focus on harvesting and supply is tight, and buyers can purchase fertilizers in stock.


The price of 4,000 tons of ammonium sulfate sold by Turkish producers is about US$95/ton FOB and is shipped to Italy. The ship will be loaded in late July.

An ammonium sulfate ship is expected to arrive in La Pallice, France, from Ameraloba, China, at Blessing SW on June 27 to transport extruded granulated ammonium sulfate. In May, the ship loaded about 25,000 tons of ammonium sulfate from China's extrusion pellet plant Best Sign.

A Northwestern European producer said that although the start of work has been reduced, it will be able to fulfill its regular export commitment to ammonium sulfate in July. However, it will not provide any large particles of ammonium sulfate for export, in sufficient quantities to fulfill its commitments in Europe.


Under the influence of a combination of factors, the price of caprolactone grade ammonium sulfate increased, including the increased demand for the extruded granule/large granule industry, which tightened the supply of ammonium sulfate in July. The pellet extrusion unit has been restarted, using ammonium sulfate as raw material. According to the increase in seasonal demand, during June and July, several ships shipped extruded granular ammonium sulfate to Brazil.

Chinese suppliers offer extruded pellet ammonium sulfate for July at US$94-96/ton FOB. A producer sold 6,000 tons this week for $92/ton FOB. From late July to early August, Fibrant sold 6,000 tons of steel grade ammonium sulfate at a price of US$95/ton FOB and shipped it to Southeast Asia.

A trader stated that by July 20, 7,000 tons of caprolactam grade ammonium sulfate was sold at a price of USD 97/ton FOB Yangtze River for shipment. The buyer did not disclose.

Wuzhoufeng Extruded Granular Ammonium Sulphate is priced at US$135/ton FOB.


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