International Ammonium Sulfate Market

Publish Time: 2020-11-10     Origin: Site


SpotThe supply of caprolactam-grade ammonium sulfate is tight due to the commitment to Indonesia, the final sales price were US$107/ton and shipp in December. A manufacturer quoted 12,000 tons with a minimum price of US$108 fob for shipment on December 15. The delivery price from November to January provided by other companies is US$110/ton, and the sales report of Fujian is US$110/ton fob has not been confirmed. The price of Wuzhou Peak container is USD 135/ton. Haili Chemical's Jiangsu plant in eastern China restarted after 18 months of suspension. In March 2019, a serious accident occurred in a nearby chemical plant, and the company was forced to close its 300,000-ton/year plant. The company said that Haili has met all the safety and environmental control standards set by the government, so it restarted this week and is currently operating at around 50%.


Gtt's data shows that Annan's total imports in September were 37,000 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 39%. Imports from January to September totaled 510,000 tons, a year-on-year decrease of 34%. China is the only supplier that pays attention, with 479,000 tons, which is also down 34%. Due to large purchases by private and national buyers in recent weeks, imports are expected to increase in the fourth quarter.


The latest price index shows that the cost and freight of Capulepod's ammonium sulfate is US$120/ton. Five shipments of cellulose caprolactam-grade ammonium sulfate will be shipped to Vietnam in November and December to meet the medical expenses in the plateau area. Price is around 107-108 US dollars/ton fob. The latest offer is Fuzhou US$110/ton fob.


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